2 free token(s), and 0 premium token(s)
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Contact Support

What is Prankowl?

Prankowl is an online service used to play light-hearted jokes ("pranks") on your friends, family, and co-workers through multiple different methods.

Are there any limits for free users?

Free users of the website are given 3 free tokens a day and each token resets 24 hours after you've used it. Additionally, free users are not able to disable the "You've been pranked!" tagline, have ads shown, and are limited to certain features or services.

I bought tokens, they're not showing up!

Make sure you've registered an account and logged in. If the tokens are not automatically appearing, check your e-mails (spam folder too!) for an email that contains a link to claim your tokens.

Contact us if you continue to have issues with missing tokens, we will quickly credit your account.

Why should I buy premium tokens?

This website is expensive to run, not only will you allow us to stay online and show your support, but you'll also be contributing to new features, improvements, and more new pranks!

Ads will be removed, the option to disable the "You've been pranked!" tagline, you will receive higher priority in our system for any pranks you send, functionality and limits will be raised, prioritized customer support, and you will receive early access to many of our new features planned for the year.

Can I suggest new features or pranks?

Yes! We love to hear suggestions or feedback from all of our users. If we like your idea enough to implement it, you'll be rewarded with some juicy premium tokens.

Ads allow us to give you free daily pranks. Don't want ads?